Well its been a while lovely felt and lamb folk... lots and lots to share with you on this very woolly addition to the the TM blog!
So, I know, I said I was going to schedule posts again and post more often and I did manage it for a little while... but then a very special and dear friend Angie Burman AKA
Burman Bears invited me to apply for a concession of retail space right in the heart of Lichfield known as
Bespoke Lichfiled.
Having worked with Angie previously I knew this would be an exceptionally well run establishment with fairness and transparency to all.
Angie has in my opinion, curated the cream of the crop of designers to be a part of this permanent prime retail development. Her methodical approach to the set up and how this designer lead venture will be navigated... makes for smooth sailing from the moment the customer walks in the door, to the second they leave with their original and bespoke purchases.
The first day was an absolutely joy and I was lucky enough to share in the opening day with Angie and her husband Andrew.
The shop has a really lovely feel about it and its carefully thought out interior, created the most amazing and positive atmosphere. This positive atmosphere not only in the shop, but among the designers will lead on to many more positive things... as we all grow our businesses, having Angie at the helm and steering us all in the right direction.
I am just beyond proud to be a part of this elite group.
Please pop i and support our local designers its 1A Market Street Lichfield, of Bird Street and just around the corner from the George Hotel!
For now though I will leave you with a peak at our very Dickensian looking shop frontage! To see more just click ahead to my
Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected. www.tigerlilymakes.co.uk www.facebook.com/tigerlilymakes www.twitter.com/tigerlilymakes