Thursday, 8 December 2016

Happy Friday everyone, well todays the day... it's the slippertastic slipper making course! In the meantime, I just had to share this repurposed ladder courtesy of @karenheathervintage its now in situ as a towel rail and hand wash towel in the studio washroom! 😊💗X. #vintage towel rail, #refurbishedladder #chalkpaintedfurniture #slipper course #feltedslippers #slipperworkshop #felted

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So we are all ready for our first ever slipper course in the new studio. All equipment, wool, tea, drinks, cake and lunch are provided. We can even cater for bespoke size feet with custom made slipper lasts. So looking forward to welcoming the first felting ladies into the new space. 😊💗X #slippers #slippercourse #slipperworkshop #felted #feltedslippers #feltslippercourses

via Instagram

Happy Thursday everyone, well new Alice tea towels are heading their way over to @bespokeinlichfield this morning... along with Christmas dresses, Alice dresses, waistcoats, t-shirts, Christmas cards, hair bows, headbands, hand painted brooches and new Lily Lamb & Alice gift wrap packs. Phew its been a busy few months!! 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lambchina #babydresses #newborn #babyclothes #lasercut #handmadecards #feltcards #lambfabric #christmaslambs #gifts #christmasdress #aliceinwonderland #alicethroughthelookingglass #alice #madhatter #madhattersteaparty #christmasbrooches

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Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Alice In Wonderland Wall Art

Welcome to a wonderfully adventurous edition of the TM blog as we sing from the top of Tigerlily Towers and slide down the rabbit hole straight into the Mad Hatters Tea Party.

Today's post is all about "ALICE" and if you haven't guessed yes I do mean Alice in Wonderland. Alice in Wonderland is by far one of my all time favorite fairy-tales and it will come as no surprise to you all that I have created a whole range of Alice inspired projects.

This particular project is reinvented version of the original, the original design started out on a greetings card. The card I chose was buff and I will cover the card in another post, but it was out of a desire to create the growth potion effect that is a fundamental part of the book. The part where Alice grows so big that those of a certain size would only get to see her legs and skirt.

So I thought long and hard about how I could re interpret this effect on my card, with several rough sketches, numerous templates... I finally settled on a design, which is below.

But as time went on I felt it was lacking a little and so I reinvented the wheel to improve on my original concept for the card as featured below:

This I feel is a crisper design and the machine stitching just add that extra bit of finishing that the previous card didn't. 
From here I went on to create stitched version in a shadow frame. ALTHOUGH it received much acclaim and many were purchased... I was not 100% content with the proportions.

Finally I decided that it was the size of the frame and the lack of frame/mount. So I completely re-designed the wall art to fit a square shadow frame with a crisp mount. This meant that the proportions of the felt design were much smaller but somehow this worked much more to my satisfaction. I then wanted to add a little something extra, so I riffled through my own personal collection of Alice memorabilia and a fitted an Alice themed playing card into the frame. I can't take any credit for the playing card, but I do feel its the perfect partnership for the design.

So here is the new frame...

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Tigerlily Makes & Lily Lamb take a concession at newly opened Bespoke Lichfield

Well its been a while lovely felt and lamb folk... lots and lots to share with you on this very woolly addition to the the TM blog!

So, I know, I said I was going to schedule posts again and post more often and I did manage it for a little while... but then a very special and dear friend Angie Burman AKA Burman Bears invited me to apply for a concession of retail space right in the heart of Lichfield known as Bespoke Lichfiled. 

Having worked with Angie previously I knew this would be an exceptionally well run establishment with fairness and transparency to all.

Angie has in my opinion, curated the cream of the crop of designers to be a part of this permanent prime retail development. Her methodical approach to the set up and how this designer lead venture will be navigated... makes for smooth sailing from the moment the customer walks in the door, to the second they leave with their original and bespoke purchases.

The first day was an absolutely joy and I was lucky enough to share in the opening day with Angie and her husband Andrew.

The shop has a really lovely feel about it and its carefully thought out interior, created the most amazing and positive atmosphere. This positive atmosphere not only in the shop, but among the designers will lead on to many more positive things... as we all grow our businesses, having Angie at the helm and steering us all in the right direction.

I am just beyond proud to be a part of this elite group.

Please pop i and support our local designers its 1A Market Street Lichfield, of Bird Street and just around the corner from the George Hotel!

For now though I will leave you with a peak at our very Dickensian looking shop frontage! To see more just click ahead to my Fanpage! 

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Alice in Wonderland Adventures Greetings Card

A totally adventurous and awesome welcome awaits you in our latest blog addition, live from the top of Tigerlily Towers... we are  going to slide down the rabbit hole again, but we have armed ourselves with soft magical Alice style cushions, to soften our way over the bumps!

In today's post I wanted to share with you the re-invented/upgraded version of the already popular Alice Greetings card.

Here is the original.

Following on from that, I wanted to change the style of Alice's Skirt to fit more efficiently, so with a little re-shaping and re-sizing we finally go there. The key difference between the two cards is that it is stitched and stitched to the card itself.

So without further delay here is the updated version which I think is fresher and more contemporary. What do you think?

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Mr Frost the Needle Felted Snowman

Wonderfully warm and fully felted welcomes to this some what frosty edition of the TM blog.

Although we are far, far away from Christmas I know all too well we creatives like to be well organised and well planned with our Christmas projects. This is why I tend to start my Christmas Makes in June/July.

Well on this Frosty edition of the TM blog I thought it would be appropriate to introduce you to another new character Mr Frost a needle felted sculpture.

Mr Frost like Pennie Penguin has been made with wool fiber and a single felting needle. Mr Frosts design came about a desire to create something a little different in snowman terms as there are many needle felted snowmen around of a similar style.

There are lots of hanging snowmen for the tree, so I felt it was time to create something a little different that could be more of an eye catching stand alone table decoration or just a lovely ornament to have on your mantle.

Like Pennie Penguin Mr Frost did not come to life until his eyes we set in, so I can reassure you once again that Mr Frost was harmed during his creation and he would not have felt a thing!

Without further delay I give you Mr Frost.

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Mad Hatters Greeting Card

Well "we are all mad here!" Especially when we haven't had our daily dose of tea and cake! Wonderfully mad and cakey welcomes to you all. 

Another adventurous edition of the TM blog

As we are having a bit of an Alice theme I simply couldn't get away without sharing the latest version of the Mad Hatters greetings card. 

As with all the previous Alice inspired projects this one too has had a bit of stitchery, pokery added to it. Though Sadly you can,t see it too well in the picture, I chose black thread, but up close and personal it gives it a nice textured edging. 

Need we say more other than Ta Dah!!! 

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Monday, 20 June 2016

National Wool Museum Wales

Well lovely felt folk, today I thought I would talk WOOL, The National Wool Museum of Wool in Wales to be precise. I was lucky enough to visit this museum back in Easter with one of my bestes and it was absolutely fascinating to learn the long Welsh Wool heritage within Wales and how significant it was back in its hey day. 

According to the National Wool Museum of Wales, Wool was historically the most important and widespread of Wales's industries. The picturesque village of Dre-fach Felindre in the beautiful Teifi valley was once the centre of a thriving woollen industry, earning the nickname 'The Huddersfield of Wales'. Located in the historic former Cambrian Mills, shirts and shawls, blankets and bedcovers, woollen stockings and socks were all made here, and sold in the surrounding countryside - and to the rest of the world. Sheep shearing was the social highlight of the year on the farms of Wales. Sheared in one piece, the fleeces were rolled out and then folded correctly to make sorting easier in the mill. 
The sorting process was vital as different sheep produce different quality of wool, resulting in different produce like clothing, carpets and blankets, while the quality of wool varies depending on the part of the sheep’s body it comes from. The fleece is put through a willower to untangle the wool, removing impurities such as dust and sand, disentangling it on a roller with metal teeth to create a soft, fluffy mass of fibres. Some of the larger mills in Wales scoured the wool before willowing. The most common method, until the 1930s, was to immerse raw wool in a solution consisting of one part human urine, one part water.
Up until around 1850, natural colours were used to dye wool, with three stages when it could occur: when it was still a fleece, in threads ready for weaving, or after the cloth had been woven.
So perhaps I should get on and show you some of the highlights of the museum itself!

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Princess & The Pea

Welcome to another adventurous edition of the Tigerlily Makes Blog. As many of you know I have a great thirst and passion for traditional and imaginative fairy-tales. None more so that the likes of Alice in Wonderland, Narnia and many of the Grim Brothers fairy-tales to name but a few.

I am greatly inspired by their originality and the fact that many of these original fairy tales are still being enjoyed today, some 150 years on is testament to their to creative process.

So today I am sharing something extra special and something I am really proud of.

Introducing Princess & The Pea handmade hand felted and  & needle embellished bed and dressing table. This bed has been made up of several felted sheets that have been individually needle embellished and machine embroidered. each mattress has been machine stitched and stuffed using a safe and approved filling.

The bed base is an old dolls house bed that I pulled apart and reconfigured, whilst breathing new life into it with a paint effect.

The collection isn't complete yet, so watch this space as I add the princess and a miniature clothed mannequin. To get to this stage it took about a week to make.

This is just part of a whole collection of themed fairy-tale inspired designs.

My plan with this design is to create a min how to booklet in an easy to follow format so that you can try this yourself at home.

For now though its time to reveal the star attraction.

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog.  Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog  All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Lily the Lamb Tea Towel Collection

We are talking Lily the Lamb today on the TM blog, specifically Tea Towels. 

As you know I have been developing and growing my Lily the Lamb range for some time and what started out as my logo and a little black and white needle felted lamb has blossomed into a growing range of unique characters that translate in to pretty surface patterns for fabric, tea towels, colouring books, mirrors, magnets and so much more. 

The first collection of tea towels has been made up and they will be available in my Etsy store very soon. 

They are extremely high quality not only in print but in material and have full care labels attached. 

They will retail around £10 and are produced right here in the UK. The tea towels are printed and then sent to me to machine finish. 

They will be available from September and will be available for pre order at the end of August.

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Time for Tea & Cake Felt Wall Art

Well you guessed it lovely felt folk, its another wonderfully adventurous edition of the TM blog.

We had a bumpy ride down the rabbit hole last time so we thought we would come straight through the looking glass this time.

Today's blog is a follow on from the Alice in Wonderland inspired Wall Art. Time for Tea & Cake wall art/decor is also a re-invention from the original which can be seen below.

Again this cake theme started life on a greetings card and then translated to a shadow frame.

Like the Alice frame, proportional this was not sitting right with me and I felt, if you pardon the pun, there was just a little something missing. As I had already re-invented the Alice Frame I was pretty confident that I could make this work for the cake and will be testing out on the mad hatter design too. Add in some decorative stitching to the front and viola its been reborn! Again fitting a playing card from my own personal collection of memorabilia... and I have a lot... just seemed to give it that something extra.

So here it is, what do you think?

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Finished Makes From Our Fabulous Felt Slipper Course

It is will great excitement I bring you today's blog post, live from the top of Tigerlily Towers!

You may remember our slipper course from last month and the great fun we all had making our slippers, well luckily I can now share some makes from that day.

Laurie had never felted before, but wanted to learn how to felt as she has her very own flock of sheep! Yes her very own flock of sheep. Laurie and her husband have a farm in Staffordshire as well as having another day job on top. Keeping sheep on their farm meant that the fleece was generally going to waste and so Laurie put her thinking cap on as to how to best utilise this. Laurie came on the course having never done any wet felting before, she had dabbled in needle felting but not wet felting. I think I shall let Laurie's slipper do the talking and you can see you for yourself what beautiful things can be achieved in felt, having not had any previous experience.

Laurie's Finished Slipper - there is another to match! 

Another lady that came on the course was the lovely Amanda a very experienced and accomplished crafter. Amanda had wanted to make slippers for such a long time and had even had a go at felting some before she came on the course, but felt (if you pardon the pun) that they weren't quite right. So after a few emails, Amanda decided to book on the course and the results are fabulous. Amanda chose a beautiful colour combination and has finished them with suede slipper soles. 

Amanda's Slippers

Thank yo so much to both ladies for letting me share your wonderful creations on my blog. It was a great fun day and I am delighted you have found a new craft. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit Tigerlily Makes The Felt-making Blog All copyright, design rights and all other intellectual property rights existing in our designs and products, and the images, text and design of any websites or content incorporated into blog platforms are and will remain the property of Tigerlily Makes, unless otherwise stated. Any infringement of these rights will be taken seriously. Tigerlily Makes is a Member of ACID (Anti Copying in Design) and all designs are registered and protected.