Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Limited places left for felt-making on Beginners Bag Making Course, Heart of the Country, Lichfield

Hi everyone,

just to let you know that places are beginning to fill up on the felt-making courses... I have just 4 places left on the beginners bag making course 20th March.

I am at home today finalising paperwork and making some additional felt items for the shop. I will be back in the shop tmrw with more stock so will take some pics and keep you posted.

Thanks you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog

Lisa X

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Quick progress update on the Felt Making Boutique at Lichfield

Hi everyone, well just to let you know that the Belfast sink was fitted today at The Felt-making Boutique, stock has started arriving and is getting displayed, the website and marketing is in its final stages and so all is really coming together. Its just a week now till opening so all is getting really exciting.

Official launch day Easter Bank holiday Monday.

I will post some more pics over the next few days but for now:

Thanks you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog

Lisa X

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Shop fit progress report....

Hi everyone,
just a quick update today, just to let you know how the shop fit is going. We are making great progress, my son Lloyd, my friend Jo and my hubby have all been working really hard to help me get things sorted.
All the painting and the papering is completed. We have fitted most of the units to house the wool and my carpenter has done a sterling job on the custom built work station, where we will sit to make our lovely felted items and to teach the courses.
From the top down, the first pic is obviously the front of the Felty Boutique, next down is the arch way looking into the workshop area and finally the last photo is part of the display/storage system.
I have a new website and name: Tigerlily Makes it is just a holding page at the moment but a very nice holding page... the new website should be live very soon.
Well I still have lots to do so I had better get back to it.
Thank you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog

Lisa X

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain

Monday, 15 February 2010

Beginners Bag Course Sneak Peak.......

Hi everyone,well as promised the much awaited first photos of the type of bag you could be making on the beginners bag course.
Courses run from 9.3oam until around 4pm, tea, coffee, biscuits and cakes will be provided along with all the materials and equipment that you will need to create your very own masterpiece. At the end of the day you will have a completed bag to take home with you. You will need to bring a packed lunch or you can treat yourself to a tasty meal at one of the restaurants on site.
Course dates for Beginners Bags:
Saturday 20th March
Saturday 27th March
For further info and/or to book your place please email
For shop location and directions please visit Tigerlily Makes and click on the link at the bottom of the page.
Looking forward to a fun filled day of felting with you all.

Thanks you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog

Lisa X

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

First Course Dates Beginners Bag/TEA COSIE & Beginners Jewellery

Hi to all the lovely creative people out there... as promised I now have my first four course dates and they are as follows:

Beginners bags/tea cosies:
20th March
27th March
Beginners Jewellery
18th March
25th March
Course days will run on Thursdays and Saturdays 9.30-4pm

Please email me for further info or to book you place.

One to one or small group private tuition can be accommodated whilst the shop is closed on a Monday, assuring you of fully personalised uninterrupted day. During these sessions you will be able to pick and choose which areas from the courses I offer you wish to cover, or you could simply combine a mixture. Please email me for a quotation.

Example photos will follow over the coming weeks, if you wish to see examples of my work please see my Folksy shop.

Thanks you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog

Lisa X

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain.

Monday, 8 February 2010

As promised a progress update with photos...update on courses

Hi everyone,
as promised the first photos of the new felt making boutique in its raw stage before any of the decorating took place. Since these photos were taken we have painted all the wood panelling, the window and door, so its really beginning to look more like the boutique I am aiming for... more photos coming soon.
This side of the arch is where my supplies will be and if you look through the arch that's where I will be holding our fun felt workshops and courses.
I will be posting 2 dates for beginners bags and 2 dates for beginners jewellery later this week. the days will be a Thursday and Saturday.
All 4 will be held during the second half of march.
Courses will cost £49.00 for a full day starting from 9.30am and will finish around 4pm, all materials and equipment are included in the course price including refreshments, biscuits and cakes. All you need to do is bring yourself and a packed lunch or treat yourself to a tasty meal at one of the restaurants. If you would like to reserve your place, please email me here, with a subject header beginners bag/jewellery, your name, email and telephone number and you can be one of the first.
Course location is at The Heart of The Country Shopping Village nr Lichfield. Full postal address and directions can be found on the website.
At the end of the day you will have a completed bag or a number of jewellery projects.
There are good B & B's locally so, if you live afar why not make a short break of it and take in some of the wonderful sights Staffordhsire and Lichfield have to offer. You would also be ideally placed for fabulous shopping at Birmingham.
Thanks you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog

Lisa X

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Update on progress.......

Hi everyone,

I just thought I would share how progress is going for the launch of the new felt-making boutique. I have been over at the boutique most of this last week and have begun phase one, which is the re-decoration phase. This week with a little help from my friends I have finished the painting of all the half height wood panelling, which has been painted in a colour called white chocolate. I have chosen a very pale subtle duck egg blue for the window ledge, window and door.

All is looking really fresh and fab... though I have a long way to go yet, as I need to paper feature walls, polish floors and move furniture in.

I am popping over again tmrw briefly to take some photos of progress so far, though it is filled with paint tins, brushes and rollers and present, but it should give you a feel for the place.

I will be firming up some course dates very soon and will be posting these on the blog... so be sure to stay tuned for news and events.

Thanks you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog

Lisa X

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain

Friday, 5 February 2010

A New Direction....

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share some exciting news with you, as you all know I have been attending craft fairs and markets for a number of years now and over the last year and a half... have diversified my range substantially.

I started out with a passion in paper crafts, however a determination to create new an exiting crafts lead me into my search for 100% wool felt pieces. When this became virtually impossible to find I decided to go an get professional taught to make felt myself. I am now almost finished my City and Guilds in Felt-making and..... drum role please I am leaving my paper crafting behind and opening my own felt making boutique. I open on 2nd March 2010 and will have an official launch day at a later date.

I will be posting my progress as I fit the shop out and give you more info on the location.

In the meantime if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thanks you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog

Lisa X

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain