We made a spiral bound covered note book and a lovely little flower topped photo wallet.
It was ovely to see everyones enthusiasum as papers and colour ways were selected.
We are meeting again this Saturday evening for another paper fix and I beleive that there are still a few places left. Place can be booked via the C.O.Wblog
We are looking for votes for next weeks project that our lovely crafters would be interested in... so please let Francine know over at the C.O.Wblog
Huge hugs and thanks go out to Francine for inviting over to C.O.W to teach Staurdays taster session and thanks also must go to Denise from Peeko for suporting too.
So if you would like to read and see more photos of the evening pop over to the C.O.Wblog
If you would like to read an account of one of paper-crafter attendees then pop over to Candice's blog.
Thanks you for taking the time to visit The Handmade by Tigerlily Blog
Lisa X
All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain
Lisa X
All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Lisa Marie Olson. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication, contest submission or for any other type of financial gain
Thanks for new link of your blog! I am now your follower! And I really love to make people happy and love to sent you flowers! :)