Friday, 20 October 2017

Happy Saturday lovely folk. Well today I am off to @stampinsenorita for a lovely day of Christmas crafting. Whilst hubby keeps our builder company! For now though I shall leave you with some brand new makes heading to @bespokeinlichfield today amongst other things. 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #aliceinwonderland #mad hatter #queenofhearts #feltbook #feltwonderland #throughthelookinglass #princessandthepea

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Happy Friday everyone 😄Hope you are ready for the weekend? A lot of people ask me how I get my felt so smooth and tightly felted, well its years of practice! Also developing tried and tested techniques. Though if you don’t have the time... you can always pre-order a copy of my book Felt Wonderland, where I show you exactly how to achieve the results I do. 😊💗X. Photography by @stacygrant_photography All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #aliceinwonderland #mad hatter #queenofhearts #feltbook #feltwonderland #throughthelookinglass #princessandthepea

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Thursday, 19 October 2017

Well the sentiment says it all really. Just wanted to give you a heads up to those of you heading to the Frost Fair on the 16/12/17. Im having a minor op earlier in the week. Im assured that I should be fighting fit for the weekend... but as ever we take a belt and braces approach! My amazing husband and friend will be there in my place if I am not. Though those who know me well, know I will do my level best to be recovered. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #Frostfair #bert&Gerts #Christmas #christmasfair #christmasgifts #postop #hospital

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Well its on days like these that you just want to put cosy slippers on and curl up in front of the TV! No such chance for me... we have much to do and my book “Felt Wonderland” is in its final stages, so I will be on hand for any last minute amendments. 😊💗X. Photography by @stacygrant_photography All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #aliceinwonderland #mad hatter #queenofhearts #feltbook #feltwonderland #throughthelookinglass #princessandthepea

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Wednesday, 4 October 2017

So there is a whole sofa free for kitty winks to stretch out on... yet still she decides to squeeze in on my chair! Oh what it is to be loved by your pet. 😊💗

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After a mad few weeks, I feel a little mad as a hatter myself. Today was a more relaxing day with some hand sewing. For now though I will leave you with The Mad Hatters tea pot. Now in stock @bespokeinlichfield and online. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #alicechina #alice #aliceinwonderland #madhatterteaparty #madhatter #whiterabbit #hatter #tweedledee #tweedledum #marchhare #timefortea #drinkme

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Happy Wednesday everyone. We have new new girls messenger bags in stock @bespokeinlichfield not only cute but practical too! All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design) #feltcraft #feltprojects #feltbag #feltbags #messengerbag #girlsbags #girlsfashion

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Sunday, 1 October 2017

Happy Monday everyone, well What a full on weekend that was. The Alice by Lily china proved to be extremely popular this weekend. There is only one Cheshire cat mug left and we sold out of hatter tea cups. Tea bag tidies also proved popular. I shall be re-stocking soon. Today is photography, my mission to get the tea sets to order online and tomorrow I re-stock @bespokeinlichfield with all sorts of goodies. Wednesday is about the sewing patterns, Thursday is brainstorming and Christmas prep, Friday meeting with a manufacturer! Saturday collapse, Sunday is a day in the shop! 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #feltcards #handmade #breakfastset #breakfast #alicechina #hairbows #handmadecards #childrensclothing #babyclothes #parents #alice #aliceinwonderland #madhatterteaparty

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We are here and all set @createcrafttv Crafting Live Coventry for the second day running, in the artisan section... look for the @bertandgerts pop up banners. Come say hi we would love to see you 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #feltcards #handmade #breakfastset #breakfast #alicechina #hairbows #handmadecards #childrensclothing #babyclothes #parents

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