Saturday, 16 December 2017

Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you have a lovely day. I will be dropping this Rabbit frame off to @bespokeinlichfield this afternoon. This will be the last frame this side of Christmas. Though watch this space as I will be launching fabulous new Alice products in the run up to the spring, alongside other designs and having a complete revamp of my space! Exciting things ahead! 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #fairy #fairyjournal #journalling #travel #traveljournal #traveladventures #alice#aliceinwonderland #madhatter #madhatterteaparty #timefortea #whiterabbit #aliceframe #aliceart

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Thanks to @bertandgerts for a wonderful festive Frost Fair @brumhippodrome For now though I shall leave you with more previews of my new Alice Journals and say goodnight 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #fairy #fairyjournal #journalling #travel #traveljournal #traveladventures #alice#aliceinwonderland #madhatter #madhatterteaparty #timefortea #whiterabbit

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We are here and set up at the @bertandgerts Frost Fair @brumhippodrome do come and see us 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #fairy #fairyjournal #journalling #travel #traveljournal #traveladventures #alice#aliceinwonderland #madhatter #madhatterteaparty #timefortea #whiterabbit #frostfair #christmas #christmasshoppng #handmade #festivefair

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Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Hi everyone, just whizzing by with more previews of my latest project. Travel Journal Gift Sets. Each set comprises of a covered journal and a matching hanky for all those unexpected travel moments. Some sets will have matching luggage tags. Each journal has been designed by me using my own artwork. The pages have been designed by me and have a mix of purposes. Space to write memories, space to put your photos in and space to fix memorabilia. In addition to that the journal pages have been stitched by myself. The ribbon tie will ensure you have room to fit in your special memories. This makes a truly unique gift. In stock now @bespokeinlichfield and will be available at @bertandgerts Frost Fair at the Birmingham hippodrome on Saturday. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #fairy #fairyjournal #journalling #travel #traveljournal #traveladventures #alice#aliceinwonderland #madhatter #madhatterteaparty #timefortea #whiterabbit

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More bunting anyone? Well Im going to take the opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and the very best for the new year. May we share a thought for those facing hardship this Christmas. It may be due to loss of a loved one, distance or many other reasons why loved ones are missed at this time. Lets reach out where we can and show some love. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #feltpudding #christmas #festive #winter #bunting #christmasdecor #christmasbunting

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Friday, 8 December 2017

Look what’s heading to @bespokeinlichfield today... mini wonderlands 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #alice #aliceinwonderland #madhatterteaparty #madhatter #whiterabbit #queenofhearts #timefortea #imlate #rabbithole

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More Christmas bunting made, this will be going to @bespokeinlichfield tomorrow 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #bunting #festivebunting #Christmasbunting #buntingflag #figgypudding #christmaspudding #pudding

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Time to head down the rabbit hole and back into the studio this morning! A few bits to finish, then pricing up ready for @bespokeinlichfield this weekend. I will be at Bespoke in Lichfield for the duration of the festival weekend... so do come say hi and have a peak at our gorgeous Christmas window. 😊💗X. design). #alice #aliceinwonderland #madhatterteaparty #madhatter #whiterabbit #timefortea #imlate

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We have snow in the midlands!!! Before Christmas too! Have to say the studio and our kitty’s house in the garden looks rather pretty. Stay safe everyone 😊💗X. #snow #snowing #midlands #snowinthemidlands #winter #wintersnow #snowplay

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Sunday, 3 December 2017

Happy Monday everyone, well more sneak peaks of some developing products! This is Lilia, part of the Elvia Fairy Elf clan. I have to say that a life of the creative isn’t always an easy one, these designs started over a year and a half ago. Then some of the prototypes started earlier this year and despite the design coming to fruition in some forms, other forms have been more problematic. From printer problems, application issues and learning how to use new equipment, its been quite the journey. Hoping to have full reveals and available at @bespokeinlichfield very soon. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #fairy #fairyelf #elf #fairies #fairywings #flightsoffancy #fairytales #travel #journal #traveljournal #travellog #journalling #traveldiary

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Its all about festive bunting this morning. Made with my very own pudding themed fabric design. This design was inspired by my felt pudding range, which consisted of a pudding tea cosy, pudding decorations and pudding greetings cards. These felt designs were some of my earliest designs and its amazing to see how they have evolved . Some will be heading to @bespokeinlichfield very soon. 😊💗😘. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (anti copying in design). #christmas Christmaspudding #figgypudding #festive #christmasshopping #christmasdecorations #christmastree #christmasbunting #puddingbunting

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