Sunday, 16 April 2017

Monday, 10 April 2017

Happy Tuesday everyone, another new dress now in stock @bespokeinlichfield This one made with my flowergoggs Fabric. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying in Design). #babydresses #baby #fabric #mums #babyclothes

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Happy Monday everyone, I was tagged @frillyind to share 20 facts about myself... so here goes! 1. I am Welsh but don't have a Welsh accent. 2. I haven't lived in Wales since I was approx 6. 3. I have a younger Brother. 4. I have a wonderful husband. 5. I have a grown up son. 6. I love hidden object games. 7. Ive been sewing and making things from the age of 13. 8. I originally trained and qualified as a hairdresser. 9. I went back into education as a mature student to change career path for better working hours. 10. I was responsible for getting home buyers from purchase to completion for several years. 11. In 2007 I was made redundant. 12. In 2007 I was also taken on, trained and accredited as an arts and crafts demonstrator, travelling the UK delivering demonstrations, workshops and education on craft products. 13. 2007 fell in love with wool crafts and felt making. 14. 2009 I went to college to learn more about felt making. 15. 2010 started Tigerlily Makes. 16. Ive appeared on @createcrafttv as a guest presenter and demonstrator. 17. I design my own surface patterns for print onto fabrics and other mediums. 18. I am largely influenced and inspired by classic fairy tales and works, such as Alice in Wonderland, Grim Brothers and the Narnia books. 19. Ive inherited my work ethic from my mum. 20. I have my first Felt Making book coming out February 2018. There you have it I nominate @burmanbears @angelaburmanfineart_ @heavensentsutton @karenheathervintage @andrewjmason73 @puperita

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Thursday, 6 April 2017