Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Happy Tuesday everyone, just thought I would share some of the beautiful handmade baby cards currently in situ @bespokeinlichfield I shall be adding to the collection for other important occasions such as mothers day and weddings. Have a great day! 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #baby #babydress #babyshower #babyclothes #babycards #lilylamb #lilylambcards #handmade #handmadedress #handmadecards
Monday, 27 February 2017
Happy Monday everyone... cant believe its Monday already! Well my felt pattern books are now in situ @bespokeinlichfield complete with shaped plastic templates, printed templates and step by step instructions! Just add wool, soap, water and a bamboo mat and your away. Each booklet contains the patterns and know how for four projects! Let the fun begin 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #felt #felted #felting #feltballs #feltbooks #feltcraft #feltflowers #feltmaking #feltingwool #felties #feltlove #felttoys

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2m1AMUQ
Sunday, 26 February 2017
Happy Sunday everyone, apologies, for the radio silence yesterday... I was very busy in my studio working on top secret felting projects! In the meantime sneak peeps of the Lily Lamb laser cut brooches. I will be uploading these to my Etsy store soon. In addition to that I have a brand new workshop launching in the Autumn, so stay tuned. 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #brooch #lilythelamb #lambbrooch #lambaccessories #lambjewellery #jewellery #littlelamb #littlelambs

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2mr9gxE
Friday, 24 February 2017
Happy Friday everyone, time to do a little happy dance and thank crunchie its Friday!!! Hope you've all got plans for the weekend. For now though I shall leave you with more sneak peaks inside my portfolio. Its so lovely to see your work collated in pictures. 😊💗X.All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #portfolio #handmade #feltmakingworkshop #feltmakingcourse #feltmaking #felting #felted #lamb #lambdress #lambfabric #lambcushion #alice #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandparty #alicethroughthelookingglass

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2lC9bXQ
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Happy Thursday everyone, well today I have my lovely friend helping me. She will be working on cutting out more patterns for stock @bespokeinlichfield whilst I carry on with top secret projects. For now I leave you with more sneak peeps i side my portfolios! 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #portfolio #designer #handmade #hanmadedresses #alice #alicechina #alwaystimefortea #aliceinwonderland #alicethroughthelookingglass #madhatter #madhattersparty

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2lbhvwS
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Happy Wednesday lovely folk. Back in the studio for more top secret felting! I shall soon be able to share with you what Ive been doing, for now though I shall leave you with a snapshot of my new portfolio books, showcasing my works. Have a great day! 😊💗X.All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #lilylamb #portfolio #topsecret #felt #felted #felting #feltmaking #feltmakingcourse #feltmakingworkshop

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2m6JeTm
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Happy Tuesday everyone, well apologies for the radio silence! I was at stitches, I hadn't planned on going back today but didn't get to see everyone... so back again. For now though I will leave you with a little rejig of the studio display areas. 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #studio #workshops #workshops #workroom #craftroom #craftroomorganization #craftroommakeover
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Happy Sunday everyone, well it was a lovely day of family celebrations yesterday. Surprise visits from our Ireland based relatives, lovely food and time well spent with our birthday girl. Today its back to with prep for stitches. So for now I shall leave you with my felt pattern booklets. 4 felting projects in each, complete with patterns and templates. All you need is wool, soap, water, a bamboo mat or in the case of the slippers, polystyrene moulds. Soon to be available on Etsy😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #felt #felted #felting #feltballs #feltingwool #feltingwork #feltingneedle #wetfelting #merino #merinowool #feltingworkshop #feltingcourses #needlefelting

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2kVwxXa
Saturday, 18 February 2017
Well its definitely time to head down the rabbit hole today and head into wonderland, which is code for... and please don't faint... I am taking the day off!! Its a special Birthday for a special person in our family today and so its time to down tools and celebrate. Have a great day 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #alice #alicechina #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandparty #alicethroughthelookingglass #madhatter #madhattersparty #madhatterteaparty #whiterabbit #imlate #timefortea

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2m6NxKm
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Happy Thursday everyone, today there will be Norwegian wool, lots of felting needles, felting sponges and lots of variations on some needle felted birds! Though I promise no creature will be harmed in the making of! Sneak peaks later. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #needlefelting #needlfelted #needle #felted birds #needlefeltingworkshop #needlefeltinganimals

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2kVflna
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Happy Wednesday everyone, well I don't know about you, but I am always thinking ahead to what I am going to make or design next! Question is what Alice character should I design next? Was thinking either Cheshire Cat or Hatter... what would you choose? 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #alice #alicechina #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandparty #alicethroughthelookingglass #drinkme #timefortea #alwaystimefortea #madhatter #madhattersparty #madhatterteaparty #whiterabbit #imlate

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2kIFbbA
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Happy Tuesday everyone, back in the Studio today to finish some more top secret felting! So wish I could share sneak peaks with you, but I am sworn to secrecy! All will be revealed eventually. For now though I will leave you with the Baker Lily dress! 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #lambdress #lamb #lambfabric #lilylambs #lilylamb #babyclothes #babydress #baby #babyshower

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2lEA7Jh
Monday, 13 February 2017
A little late to start today lovely folk, a little under the weather if I am being honest! Its been a tough few months both personally and professionally and I quite literally haven't stopped! So Ive had strict instructions to spend at least the morning resting and we will see how we go for this afternoon. For now though I shall leave you with my Mr Rabbit notebooks now in situ @bespokeinlichfield They are just gorgeous, beautiful paper to doodle and write in. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #aliceinwonderland #alicechina #alicechina #aliceinwonderlandparty #alicethroughthelookingglass #madhatter #madhattersparty #madhatterteaparty #whiterabbit

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2lG2Au6
Sunday, 12 February 2017
A little something in the making, a little part of a top secret felting project! All will be revealed later in the year! Have a lovely Sunday 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #felt #felting #feltmaker #feltcraft #feltmaking #feltballs #feltmakingcourse #feltmakingworkshop #feltbooks

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2lEgttX
Saturday, 11 February 2017
Oh my goodness... I need to make more stock for @bespokeinlichfield the only thing is I need more of me! More time from my happy helper and loads more hours in the day! I have a whole new range of baby clothes and accessories coming out in the spring, but for now I may just have to break from the felting to top up stock! Eeek! 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #lilylambs #lilylambs #lambdress #lambfabric #alice #alicechina #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandparty #alicethroughthelookingglass #babyclothes #handmade #handmadedress

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2kgcGB5
Friday, 10 February 2017
Happy Friday everyone! Yay happy dance time... though I have a lot to get through this weekend I am actually looking forward to it, as progress is being made in my top secret felting!!! In the meantime have you checked out the new video section on the website? Its a great way to get a flavour of all things Tigerlily. It even has our Lily Lamb in a short Animation. http://ift.tt/2kt5C53 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #lilylamb #lilylambs #lambdress #waistcoats #videos #lambanimation #animation #alice #madhatter #madhattersparty #whiterabbit #timefortea #felting #feltcraft #feltmaker #feltmakingworkshop #feltmakingcourse

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2kVq7KW
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Just a little hello this morning from Mr Rabbit waistcoat, on my new dressmakers dummy. We have a busy day ahead... I may be gone for sometime! 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lilylamb #waistcoats #waistcoat #aliceinwonderland #timefortea #madhattersparty #madhatter #alice #whiterabbit

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2k6D1S0
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
New style hatter cards in stock @bespokeinlichfield and today I certainly feel like the mad hatter. Yesterday was a good day work wise, lots done and we continue today. Have a great day. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #hatter #madhatter #madhattersparty #timefortea #alice #aliceinwonderland

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2lmSXjT
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Wow just been checking out colour options for my top secret felting and my favourite wool site @worldofwoolteam has had an incredible new makeover! It looks incredible and the wool colours are so much easier to see and its so easy to navigate. Im in wooly heaven! 😊💗X

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2llTT9i
Gosh folks a bit late to start this morning... overslept! To my defence though I didn't finish until gone 8pm last night! For now though I shall leave you with Mr Rabbit and this very apt mug available @bespokeinlichfield 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #alice #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandparty #alicethroughthelookingglass #rabbithole #whiterabbit #hatter #madhatter #madhattersparty #madhatterteaparty #timefortea

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2jXpHnS
Monday, 6 February 2017
More jersey fabric samples, looking forward to ordering full sized pieces and making some wonderful new things, for now though back to it 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lambfabric #jersey #jerseyfabric #jerseyhareem #jerseybib #jerseyromper

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2jSFiF8
Sunday, 5 February 2017
Well I am so excited with these new oil cloth samples, the full sized pieces will be used for a new range of products to compliment the baby clothing range. 😊💗X. In the meantime I have work to do. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #oilcloth #lamboilcloth #oilclothproject #oilclothfabric #lilylamb

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2k9E705
Saturday, 4 February 2017
Happy Saturday folks, well today I feel like sitting in this deckchair and barely moving! The reality is I have lots and lots of work to get thru! But we can pretty our thoughts with the wonderful Lily Lamb range in my @bagsofloveuk store: http://ift.tt/2iHgwWj 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lambcushion #lilythelamb #lambfloorcushion #floorcushion #floorcushions #seating #footrests #footrest #deckchair #deckchairs #lambdeckchair #seaside

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2l7hvxY
Friday, 3 February 2017
Happy Friday!!! Yay time for happy dances! I am working most of the weekend, though I have been experimenting with my new dressmakers dummy and photography boards. Not quite got it right, but one of my goals this year is to get better photographs. Have a great day 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lilylamb #lilythelamb #lambfabric #lambdress #dressmaker #dressmakersdummy #baby #babyclothes #baby dresses

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2l2546M
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Happy Thursday everyone, gosh its wet and dreary! Woke up ever so tired this morning... think I am going to need copious amounts of Coffee to get me through the day and I may just have to break out one of my Alice mugs! 😊💗X All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lambcushion #lilythelamb #lambfloorcushion #floorcushion #floorcushions #seating #footrests #footrest #footstools #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandparty #alicethroughthelookingglass #madhatter #madhattersparty #madhatterteaparty #whiterabbit

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2jYyody
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
Happy Wednesday everyone and time for a happy dance and thank crunchie January is out if the way!! Welcome to February! What have we got on today? Busy day for me as usual... lots on, but more on that later. For now I shall leave you with some original wallpaper in situ at Shrugborough Hall. 😊💗X #nationaltrust #february #newmonth #happydance #wallpaper

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