Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Well folks, we will try to resume normal service today, in the hope that today goes to plan. I may be gone for sometime! In the meantime I shall leave you with this bright and uplifting Lily Lamb apron from my @bagsofloveuk store, All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lambcushion #lilythelamb #lambfloorcushion #floorcushion #floorcushions #seating #footrests #footrest #footstools #apron #aprons #childrensaprons

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So this is me... saying hello! Well today has not gone at all how I planned. So tell me how has your day been? 💗 #notgonetoplan #notproductive #rubbishday

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Lily's Bonnets is hoping she will be bouncing into spring very soon... shes fed up with this grey, damp and foggy weather. It plays havoc with her fur! But if all else fails theres always her beautiful cushions to brighten the day @bagsofloveuk 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lambcushion #lilythelamb #lambfloorcushion #floorcushion #floorcushions #seating #footrests #footrest #footstools

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Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Well the sun is finally out here, whilst it may not be not be hot... how about this fabulous deckchair to bring the feel of summer. Find it in my @bagsofloveuk store. 😊💗X. Happy Monday lovely folk! Cant quite believe yet another Monday is upon us!! Hey ho, back in the studio today, making and creating more lovely top secret projects... for now though I shall leave you with the latest Lily the Pink product from my @bagsofloveuk store, this beautiful floor cushion. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lambcushion #lilythelamb #lambfloorcushion #floorcushion #floorcushions #seating #footrests #footrest #footstools #chairs

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Happy Tuesday everyone, well Lily the Pink wants to shop, shop, shop till she drops today. Thats one way to beat the January blues and shes armed and ready with her shopper bag from @bagsofloveuk 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lambcushion #lilythelamb #lambfloorcushion #floorcushion #floorcushions #seating #footrests #footrest #footstools #handbag #shoppingbags #lilylambbag

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Sunday, 22 January 2017

Happy Monday lovely folk! Cant quite believe yet another Monday is upon us!! Hey ho, back in the studio today, making and creating more lovely top secret projects... for now though I shall leave you with the latest Lily the Pink product from my @bagsofloveuk store, this beautiful floor cushion. 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #lamb #lambcushion #lilythelamb #lambfloorcushion #floorcushion #floorcushions #seating #footrests #footrest #footstools

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Another fabulous product from my @bagsofloveuk store, just a little prettiness to keep you lifted this Sunday evening 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #washbag #lambwashbag #lilylambbag #travelbags #babywashbag #toiletries #toiletriesbag #makeupbag

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Happy Sunday everyone, I will be back on the studio again today making and creating. For now though I shall leave you with one of my newly added designs to my @bagsofloveuk store... these fun oilcloth wipe clean placemats! Great fun at breakfast time for your wee little lamb! 😊💗X. All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design #newborn #placemats #lambplacemats #breakfast #dinner #babymat #oilcloth #lilylamb #lilylambmat

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Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Monday, 16 January 2017

Just opened a new online store with @bagsofloveuk my Alice by Lily & Lily the Lamb ranges. You can check it out here All designs copyright Lisa Marie Olson - Lily the Lamb - Tigerlily Makes. Registered & Protected by ACID (Anti Copying In Design) #alicethroughthelookingglass #aliceinwonderland #alice #aliceinwonderlandparty #alicechina #madhatter #madhattersparty #whiterabbit

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Well folks as we are on the sharing a little personal info trail... I just couldn't let the day go by, without sharing this wonderful hand crochet present I had from my wonderful friend @katherineru5569 Its such a well thought out present and she has been named Lily Lamb and made especially in honour of my own Lily the Lamb range. It didn't take Lily long to settle in... as you can see here, she wasted no time at all getting stuck into the after 8s!! Lol thank you Katherine. 😊💗X

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Happy Monday everyone, today I thought I would share something a little different. I don't normally share personal stuff, but I just couldn't resist introducing you to our beloved moggy Sox! She is 9 years old in human years, she is called Sox because she has four white paws like socks... though I wanted a quirkier spelling and she is a rescue cat we have had since she was a very small kitten. It was a long road to getting her settled as she had been living rough and was extremely traumatised. For years she wouldn't sit on our lap and even now she can still get jumpy at strange noises. That said she has become the most incredibly loving cat, always wanting to be close to us all the time, its rare she is very far away. So whatever your doing today my wish is it is filled with love and positivity. 😊💗X #cat #catsofinstagram #catlover #cats #kittens #kittensofinstagram #kittenbowl #catboots #cateyes #catsofworld

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